Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wonderful Birthday

I just celebrated my 50th birthday party, OMG, did I really just write that number down. I am ready to let go of my expectations of what life should or would be and embrace this life with all it's glory.

My artistic journey is a series of successes and failures. Disillusionment and disappointment has thrown me into turmoil for several months at a time. I questioned everything regarding my creative life, while being completely unaware that I was making a difference in the lives of others. This struggle opened the door for some very special people in my life to come forward with priceless encouragement .

With this birthday I gave myself the gift of art without expectations, premission for imperfection, art without obligation, art without a destination. To be an artist not seeking approval or acceptance.

I still aspire to sell my artwork, teach classes and maybe even someday write a book. However, the joy of just creating and giving gifts to my friends and family is priceless. With that said, here is a picture of a beautiful, amazing doll that I received from my sister. This priceless birthday gift will be a constant reminder of my artist journey.


p.s. the lettering is my own font.


  1. Happy Birthday to you my my friend are mega talented...please don't forget that...xoxoxoxo

  2. What a great doll! Such a special gift. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! Ohhh, and I love this font!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today :)

  3. Wow the big five ohhhhh, eh?!!!

    to answer your question about the type of paper I used for my handmade journal...

    there are a mix...from cardstock to watercolour, to plain old laser paper...!
    thanks for asking!

    have a great day!

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina
