Do you ever struggle with negative self talk? My insecurities will arise like a monster becoming an obstacle in my creative path. For example, I'm almost always experimenting with some new tool, idea, or surface and my monster creates all kinds of doubt, saying hurtful things like: "You haven't a clue what you're doing,' 'who's ever going to like that,' 'look, you made another mistake,' 'you might as well give it all up!" It's all very counterproductive to have thoughts running amuck while inspiration is speaking. Some days I lose the fight completely. Other days I will crank my music to muffle the noises in my head. Despite this mental torture, I'm still compelled to create. It's an undetered invisible force, pushing me forward. This is what drives me to enter my artwork into varies places, hoping that I'll receive affirmations, acceptance, love, and yes of course a buyer. It's affirming to receive notice and even better when someone desires your artwork. This helps me when I battle the monster!