Monday, March 29, 2010

New Apron

Do you ever wonder where you get your creative ideas from? Do you find they strike when you are cleaning your studio, the house or just as you're falling asleep. My creative juices were flowing in a lettering on canvas workshop. In this class we had to paint several different background panels for lettering, but I found myself stumped when it was time to letter. My vision and inspiration had evaporated as I looked at my backgrounds. I was frustrated with the lack of ideas to complete what was intended to be a wall hanging. No matter how hard I tried to force various ideas, nothing jelled. History has taught me to trust in the powers of artistic development, and set this piece aside. I continued to work on other projects and taking care of my family utterly unaware of the thought brewing in my mind. Then inspiration struck, one night before I fell asleep. It's an apron, not a wall hanging! With that issue solved I slept like a baby, dreaming about the possibilities. I was out the door once the family had left. I had fabric shopping to do, and I wanted to get back into my studio to create. Embarking on my creative journey, was a joy, I allowed myself to cut the canvas, stencil and lettered freely. With this
freedom I was able to complete this apron. If you are interested this apron maybe purchased on Etsy.

Friday, March 26, 2010


I'm still so thrilled that couple of my aprons were published in Apronology Magazine. So many beautiful aprons in this last issue. This first apron was inspired because it's a family tradition to make a gingerbread houses. The whole family get involved.

The next two aprons where in Apronology.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Best Friends

I asked myself today, "what does it mean to have a best friend?" My husband has been my best friend for years, he has always supported my every endeavor and sees beyond my flaws. But in this case I'm referring to girlfriends. Cultivating a friendship with other women is in itself an art form. Finding a friend that speaks the same language as you do, or at least understands and appreciates your language is a challenge. There are times I'm drawn back to my studio to create. You see, I find my friends in my studio, in my artwork, in the exploration and creation of some idea that takes a hold of me until it's completed. For me a best friend would be someone who listens, supports, and celebrates life's ups and downs. I tend to spend more time in my studio creating new friends who, despite our differences, accept me for who I am, while encouraging me to search deeper. There is always a sense of love, acceptance, freedom to be myself . Don't get me wrong, I treasure my girlfriends and hope to make more along my journey outside my studio. In closing, my question for you is : who are your friends and how do you cultivate your friendships?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Here I Go

This is my first blog. It has been a busy day of running around with my husband leaving little time to play in my studio. The weather was just wonderful today, lots of sun, the grass is turning green and the flowers are coming up. Yesterday, I was inspired to create a couple of arrangements for the house and was so happy when my daughter decided to join in and add her flair to the pieces.